Club Competitions for 2024
Competition Dates, Judges and Trophies
Seasonal Competitions Spring, Summer and Winter
Each competition is independent, each having a winner. There are no aggregate scores. These competitions replace the previous 'Progress Competitions' and are all Open competitions.
1st Seasonal Competition PDI (spring):
Closing date, 11th January; Results night, 8th February.
Judge: Gerald Chamberlain DPAGB, EFIAP
1st Seasonal Competition Print (spring):
Closing date, 25th January; Results night, 22nd February.
Judge: David Best LRPS
2nd Seasonal Competition PDI (summer):
Closing date, 18th April;Results night, 16th May.
Judge: Alan Walker
2nd Seasonal Competition Print (summer):
Closing date May 2nd;Results night, 30th May.
Judge: Alan Wilson ARPS AFIP
3rd Seasonal Competition PDI (winter):
Closing date, 12th September; Results night, 10th October.
Judge: Denis Dunning
3rd Seasonal Competition Print (winter)
Closing date, 26th September;Results night, 24th October.
Judge : Keith Archer CPAGB
Trophies :
Trophies will be awarded in accordance with the individual trophy descriptions listed below:
The Dunelm Trophy & Leazes Bowl Competitions (Projected digital Images)
Closing date, 22nd February; Results night, 28thMarch
Judge : Alison Coatsworth
The Dunelm Trophy: to be awarded to the member submitting the best landscape projected digital image taken at any location. Max of 2 PDI entries.
The Leazes Bowl: to be awarded to the member submitting the best projected digital image portrait of the year. Portrait being defined as a description of a person showing one or all of the following: features; character; expression. Max of 2 PDI entries.
The Des Kelly Trophy and Lambert Hedley Cup competitions (Print Images)
Closing date, 28th March; Results night, 25th April
Judge: Chris Graham
The Des Kelly Trophy: to be awarded to the member submitting the best landscape print taken within the NCPF Region (Co. Durham, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, Cleveland, Cumbria, North Yorkshire).
The Lambert Hedley Cup: to be awarded to the member submitting the best print portrait of the year. Portrait being defined as a description of a person; showing one or all of the following: features, character, expression.
Up to three images may be entered for the print trophy.
The Sterling Award and Daidy Edis Trophy (Projected Digital Images)
Closing date, 23rd May; Results night, 20th June.
Judge: John Fare
The Sterling Award : to be awarded to the member submitting the best projected digital image reflecting the title: Cityscapes
The Daisy Edis Trophy: to be awarded to the member submitting the best projected digital image reflecting the title: Nature. (FIAP & PSA definitions of “Nature” will apply.)
The Iris Trophy (Projected Digital Images) and the Honorary Members Cup (Print Images)
Closing date, 6th June; Results night, 4th July
Judge: P Downs
The Iris Trophy: to be awarded to the member submitting the best projected digital image at the member’s choice (open theme). Max of 2 PDI entries.
The Hon. Members’ Cup: to be awarded to the member submitting the best print reflecting the title: Water. Max of 3 Print entries
Fillingham Trophy (Projected Digital Images) to be awarded to the member submitting the best PDI reflecting the title: “A Different View”. Max of 2 PDI entries.
Closing date, 20th June; Results night, 18thJuly;
Judge: David Hickman
Max of 2 PDI entries.
The Digital Trophy and the George Samuel Trophy (Projected Digital Images)
Closing date, 24th October; Results night, 28th November;
Judge: Richard Speirs
The Digital Trophy: to be awarded to the member submitting the best entry of three projected digital images (monochrome or colour, in any combination). Each image will be judged on its own merit, (i.e. the entry will not be judged as a "set" or "panel") and there is no requirement for the images to be linked by theme or content. An entry consists of three PDIs (only). Max of 2 PDI entries
The George Samuel Trophy: to be awarded to the member submitting the best projected digital image reflecting Sport or Action. Max of 2 PDI entries
Valente Cup (Print Images)
To be awarded to the member submitting the best entry of 3 prints (monochrome or colour, in any combination). Each image will be judged on its own merit (the entry will not be judged as a set or a panel). There are no requirements for the images to be linked by theme or content. An entry consists of three prints only.
Closing date 14th, November Results night, 12th December.
Judge : Stephen Fowler
General Competition Rules
The Committee is empowered to vary the competition rules as and when considered necessary in the interests of the Society.
Open projected digital image (PDI) and print competitions shall be judged by independent judges.
Members may submit an entry of up to three prints and two PDIs for each respective competition except the Valente Cup (prints) and the Digital Trophy (PDIs) when each entry consists of 3 prints and 3 PDIs respectively.
A member’s number, the title of the image and the competition being entered must be on the back of all prints.
Projected digital images should be 1600 pixels (max) in width or 1200 pixels (max) in height, whichever has the highest value and must be in jpeg format. Projected digital images must be labelled in the format: “member number – image name – competition initials” e.g. “01 – Sunrise Over Durham – DT” for an entry into the Digital Trophy. The member’s name must not appear on any print or projected digital image being entered. Non-compliance with these conditions may result in images being disqualified.
The print and PDI competition secretaries will receive entries on or before the advised closing dates: only under exceptional circumstances will there be an extension to the closing date. Digital entries for the PDI competitions and the supporting images for the print competitions shouls ideally be emailed to the respective competition secretaries.
In all competitions, Judges will be asked to allocate a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place together with as many Highly Commended, as is deemed appropriate, for each competition.
Repetition of entries. An image may only be used once in any of the competitions with the following exception:The Digital Trophy and Valente Cup – images entered in a competition that year can be submitted for a second time. Images entered in any DPS competitions in previous years cannot be re-entered. Images must retain the same title throughout. It is the responsibility of individual members to ensure they follow this rule
Similar Images. Rule above applies to images which are variations of a previously entered image, which are sufficiently similar as to be nearly identical.
All image content should be derived from the member’s own original material. Use of images or part images from third party sources is not permitted.
Prints must be mounted with a maximum mount size of 500mm x 400mm. The top of the print shall be indicated on the back of the print.
External Inter-Club Competitions (Battles)
Any member may submit prints, digital images for these competitions and entries will be chosen by the Print and Projected Digital Image Selection Panels. The External Competition Secretary will announce closing dates during the year and collect submissions over a period of several weeks before the competition.
The External Competition Secretary may also request images that the Selection Panels have seen during the Society’s Competitions.